In mid-September was a great time to explore southern Portugal. We visited several of place on our way from Lisbon and along the Algarve coast. We found a good mix of relaxing vacation and birdwatching ending up with two days of city life in Lisbon. At the Algarve coast we join two pre-booked pelagic tours with nice opportunities to see many seabirds and some dolphins. Lisbon is a nice hilly old city with trams and nice buildings. well worth to explore.

Stormsvala / European Storm-petrel, Sagres Portugal 2023

Gulnäbbad lira / Cory's Shearwater, Sagres Portugal 2023

Red Swamp Crayfish, Estuario do Tejo Portugal 2023

Dvärgrördrom / Little Bittern, Quinta do Lago Portugal 20023

Scopoli lira / Scopoli's Shearwater, Sagres Portugal 2023

Stormsvala / European Storm-petrel, Sagres Portugal 2023

Balearisk lira / Balearic Shearwater, Fuseta Portugal 2023

Härfågel / Eurasian Hoopoe, Sapal de Corroios Portugal 20023

Långnäbbad mås / Slender-billed Gull, Fuseta Portugal 2023

Gulnäbbad lira / Cory's Shearwater, Fuseta Portugal 2023

Scopoli lira / Scopoli's Shearwater, Fuseta Portugal 2023

Havssula / Northern Gannet, Fuseta Portugal 2023

Svarthuvad vävare / Black-headed Weaver, Quinta do Lago Portugal 20023

Undulat / Budgerigar, Quinta do Lago Portugal 20023

Bronsibis / Glossy Ibis, Estuario do Tejo Portugal 2023

Arco da Rua Augusta, Lisboa Portugal 2023

Tram, Lisboa Portugal 2023

Hill tram, Lisboa Portugal 2023

Bottles of Port, Lisboa Portugal 2023