In the second half of March we visited Seychelles to experience the wonderful wildlife and combine that with some relaxing days. The first day we spent to recover after a long flight. Then we went to the neighbor island Praslin were we could access the surrounding islands Cousin, Aride and La Digue by boat. After those days we went back to the main island Mahé and spent the rest of our time there. During those days we succeeded in finding all twelve endemic species that could be found on the inner island. Many of those species have very limited population with less than 500 birds, some of them as low as around 200.

Aldabra Giant Tortoise, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Tawny Hermit Crab, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Seychellblåduva / Seychelles Blue Pigeon, Anse Kerlan, Praslin Seychelles 2023

Fetärna / White Tern, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Större fregattfågel / Great Frigatebird, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Mindre noddy / Lesser Noddy, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Iltärna / Lesser Crested Tern, Beau Vallon, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Tofstärna / Greater Crested Tern, Beau Vallon, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Fisktärna / Common Tern, Beau Vallon, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Hägerpipare / Crab-plover, Providence, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Madagaskarduva / Malagasy Turtle Dove, Glacis, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Röd fody / Red Fody, Glacis, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Röd fody / Red Fody, Anse Kerlan, Praslin Seychelles 2023

Vitstjärtad tropikfågel / White-tailed Tropicbird, Cousin Seychelles 2023

Seychellparadismonark / Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher, La Digue Seychelles 2023

Seychellparadismonark / Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher, La Digue Seychelles 2023

Seychellvasapapegoja / Seychelles Black Parrot, Baie Saint Anne, Praslin Seychelles 2023

Seychellshama / Seychelles Magpie-Robin, Aride, Seychelles 2023

Seychellsångare / Seychelles Warbler, Aride, Seychelles 2023

Seychellfody / Seychelles Fody, Aride, Seychelles 2023

Vitstjärtad tropikfågel / White-tailed Tropicbird, Aride, Seychelles 2023

Natthäger / Black-crowned Night Heron, Grand Anse, Praslin Seychelles 2023

Mahéglasögonfågel / Seychelles White-eye, La Misére, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Seychellfalk / Seychelles Kestrel, Providence, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Seychelldvärguv / Seychelles Scops Owl, Sans Souci, Mahé Seychelles 2023

Mangrovehäger / Striated Heron, Beau Vallon, Mahé Seychelles 2023