In mid-November 2016 one of the most unexpected bird species was found in Torreberga outside Staffanstorp. That morning I was already birdwatching in Lomma when the notification came. Me and my friend Anders Dahl got into the car immediately and it was only a few persons there when we arrived. After a short wait we could see the bird. When we left after an hour or two there was at least hundred birdwatcher there. The coming days many got the chance to see the bird.
This was not only the first time American Tree Sparrow was found in Sweden, it was the first time in the Western Palearctic. This happened after one of the most extreme period for Swedish birdwatchers, the autumn 2016. Many rare eastern species was found in October and it was busy days.
The wheater was extreme favourable for

Tundrasparv / American Tree Sparrow, Torreberga

Sibirisk järnsparv / Siberian Accentor, Eckelsudde

Kungsfågelsångare / Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Skärlöv

Ökensångare / Asian Desert Warbler, Dödevi